Thought for Monday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time

Luke 21:1-4

When Jesus looked up he saw some wealthy people
putting their offerings into the treasury
and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins.
He said, “I tell you truly,
this poor widow put in more than all the rest;
for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth,
but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.”


This is one of the shortest Gospel readings of the year, but it is full of meaning. 

Am I a person that gives only from my excess, like the wealthy people in the Gospel?  Am I proud of what I give to the Lord, even if it may be a very small portion of what the Lord has given to me?

Or am I a person that gives generously, from my livelihood, like the widow in the Gospel.  From her poverty, the widow offered everything back to God what He had given to her.

This Gospel reading is not just talking about money, but also time and talent.  The Lord has blessed each one of us in numerous ways.  How do I return to the Lord what He has given to me?

The widow trusted in the Lord with everything that she had.  It makes me think of the Scripture in which the Lord cares for the lilies of the field and the birds of the air.  How much more will He care for us, His beloved children?  He will not abandon us.  He will not leave us wanting.

Let us take time today to reflect on this question.  Do I trust in the Lord for my very sustenance?  Or do I trust in myself?  Could I be giving more of my time, talent and treasure to help those that are less fortunate?  If everyone shared their wealth with those who were less fortunate, the needs of all would be met and there would be peace.  We would not have people dying of hunger around the world.  But because we are in competition with each other over resources, money and material things, we are at war and constantly fighting.

May we trust in God in every aspect of our lives.  We cannot outdo God in generosity.  The more we give ourselves away the more God blesses us.  When the Lord sees that we are generous with His gifts, He gives us more to be distributed to those in need.   I believe that we truly become an instrument of God’s grace when we consider nothing as our own and we offer Him everything we have.  Let us follow the poor widow’s example…


Fr. Burke

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